

Bar-Ilan, Judit, Hadas Shema, and Mike Thelwall. 2014. "Bibliographic references in Web 2.0." In Beyond Bibliometrics: Harnessing Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly Impact, edited by Blaise Cronin and Cassidy Sugimoto, MIT Press.

Haustein, Stefanie, Isabella Peters, Judit Bar-Ilan, Jason Priem, Hadas Shema, and Jens Terliesner. 2014. "Coverage and adoption of altmetrics sources in the bibliometric community." Scientometrics, 1-19.

Kousha, Kayvan and Mike Thelwall. 2014. "(in press) An automatic method for extracting citations from Google Books." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

Kousha, Kayvan and Mike Thelwall. 2014. "(in press) Disseminating Research with Web CV Hyperlinks." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

Kousha, Kayvan and Mike Thelwall. 2014. "Web impact metrics for research assessment." In Beyond Bibliometrics: Harnessing Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly Impact, edited by Blaise Cronin and Cassidy Sugimoto, MIT Press.

Más-Bleda, Amalia, Mike Thelwall, Kayvan Kousha, and Isidro Aguillo. 2014. "Successful researchers publicizing research online: An outlink analysis of European highly cited scientists' personal websites." Journal of Documentation, 70 (1): 148-172.

Shema, Hadas, Judit Bar-Ilan, and Mike Thelwall. 2014. "(in press) How is research blogged? A content analysis approach." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

Shema, Hadas, Judit Bar-Ilan, and Mike Thelwall. 2014. "Do blog citations correlate with a higher number of future citations? Research blogs as a potential source for alternative metrics." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65 (5): 1018-1027.

Thelwall, Mike and Kayvan Kousha. 2014. "(in press) ResearchGate: Disseminating, communicating and measuring scholarship?" Journal of the Associationfor Information Science and Technology.

Thelwall, Mike and Kayvan Kousha. 2014. "Academia.edu: Social network or Academic Network?" Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65 (4): 721-731.

Wildgaard, Lorna. 2014. "Just Pimping the CV? The Feasibility of Ready-to-use Bibliometric Indicators to Enrich Curriculum Vitae." iConference 2014 Proceedings, 954-958.

Zahedi, Zohreh, Rodrigo Costas, and Paul Wouters. 2014. "How well developed are altmetrics? A cross-disciplinary analysis of the presence of ‘alternative metrics’ in scientific publications." Scientometrics, 1-23.

Bar-Ilan, Judit. 2013. "Astrophysics publications on arXiv, Scopus and Mendeley: a case study." Scientometrics, 1-9.

Kousha, Kayvan and Mike Thelwall. 2013. "Evaluating the Web Research Dissemination of EU Academics: A Multi-Discipline Outlink Analysis of Online CVs." Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference.

Mas Bleda, Amalia, Mike Thelwall, Kayvan Kousha, and Isidro Aguillo. 2013. "(in press) Successful researchers publicizing research online: An outlink analysis of European highly cited scientists' personal websites." Journal of Documentation.

Más-Bleda, Amalia and Isidro Aguillo. 2013. "Can a personal website be useful as an information source to assess individual scientists? The case of European highly cited researchers." Scientometrics, 96 (1): 51-67.

Más-Bleda, Amalia, Mike Thelwall, Kayvan Kousha, and Isidro Aguillo. 2013. "European highly cited scientists’ presence in the social web." Proceedings of the 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, 1966-1969.

Thelwall, Mike and Kayvan Kousha. 2013. "(in press) Academia.edu: Social network or academic network?" Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.

Wilkinson, David and Mike Thelwall. 2013. "(in press) Search markets and search results: The case of Bing." Library and Information Science Research.

Wilkinson, David and Mike Thelwall. 2013. "Search markets and search results: The case of Bing." Library & Information Science Research, 35 (4): 318-325.

Wilkinson, David, Pardeep Sud, and Mike Thelwall. 2013. "Substance without citation: Evaluating the online impact of grey literature." Scientometrics.

Bar-Ilan, Judit, Stefanie Houstein, Isabella Peters, Jason Priem, Hadas Shema, and Jens Terliesner. 2012. "Beyond citations: Scholars’ visibility on the social Web." Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, 98-109.

Bar-Ilan, Judit. 2012. "Jasist 2001–2010." Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 38 (6): 24-28.

Kousha, Kayvan and Mike Thelwall. 2012. "Motivations for Citing YouTube Videos in the Academic Publications: A Contextual Analysis." Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators.

Kousha, Kayvan and Mike Thelwall. 2012. "The role of online videos in research communication: A content analysis of YouTube videos cited in academic publications." Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 63 (9): 1710.

Kretschmer, Hildrun, Ramesh Kundra, Donald Beaver, and Theo Kretschmer. 2012. "Gender bias in journals of gender studies." Scientometrics, 1-16.

Kretschmer, Hildrun, Alexander Pudovkin, and Johannes Stegmann. 2012. "Research evaluation. Part II: gender effects of evaluation: are men more productive and more cited than women?" Scientometrics, 1-14.

Pudovkin, Alexander, Hildrun Kretschmer, Johannes Stegmann, and Eugene Garfield. 2012. "Research evaluation. Part I: productivity and citedness of a German medical research institution." Scientometrics, 1-14.

Shema, Hadas, Judit Bar-Ilan, and Mike Thelwall. 2012. "Research blogs and the discussion of scholarly information." PLoS ONE, 7 (5).

Shema, Hadas, Judit Bar-Ilan, and Mike Thelwall. 2012. "Self-citation of bloggers in the science blogosphere." In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Science and the Internet (CoSci12), edited by Tokar, Düsseldorf University Press.

Thelwall, Mike, Pardeep Sud, and Farida Vis. 2012. "Commenting on YouTube videos: From guatemalan rock to El Big Bang." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63 (3): 616.

Thelwall, Mike, Pardeep Sud, and David Wilkinson. 2012. "Link and co-inlink network diagrams with URL citations or title mentions." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63 (4): 805.

Thelwall, Mike. 2012. "Assessing the impact of online academic videos." In Social Information Research, edited by Gunilla Widén and Kim Holmberg, 195-213. Emerald Group Pub Limited.

2012. Virtual Knowledge: Experimenting in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. Edited by Paul Wouters, Anne Beaulieu, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Sally Wyatt MIT Press.

Conference Papers & Presentations

Glänzel, Wolfgang and Paul Wouters. 2013. "The Do's and Dont's in Individual Level Bibliometrics." Paper presented at 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI). 2013 July 15-19. Vienna (AUT).

Havemann, Frank and Birger Larsen. 2013. "Bibliometric Indicators of Young Authors in Astrophysics: Can Later Stars Be Predicted?" Paper presented at 14th International Society of Scientometrics & Informetrics Conference (ISSI) . 2013 July 15-19. Vienna (AUT) .

Kousha, Kayvan and Mike Thelwall. 2013. "Evaluating the Web research Dissemination of EU Academics: A Multi-Discipline Outlink Analysis of Online CVs." Paper presented at 14th International Conference Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI). 2013 July 15-19. Vienna (AUT).

Mas Bleda, Amalia, Mike Thelwall, Kayvan Kousha, and Isidro Aguillo. 2013. "European Highly Cited Scientists' Presence in the Social Web." Paper presented at 14th International Conference Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI). 2013 July 15-19. Vienna (AUT).

Tatum, Clifford and Paul Wouters. 2013. "ACUMEN Portfolio: Resources for Evaluation of Individual Researchers." Paper presented at euroCRIS Membership Meeting. 14 November 2013. Porto, Portugal.

Tatum, Clifford and Paul Wouters. 2013. "The ACUMEN Portfolio: Accounting for Alternative Forms of Scholarly Output ." Paper presented at Beyond the PDF 2. 2013 March 19-20 . Amsterdam (NLD) .

Bar-Ilan, Judit, Stefanie Houstein, Isabella Peters, Jason Priem, Hadas Shema, and Jens Terliesner. 2012. "Beyond Citations: Scholars’ Visibility on the Social Web." Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI). 2012 September 5-8. Montreal, Quebec (CAN) .

Bar-Ilan, Judit, Hadas Shema, and Mike Thelwall. 2012. "Discussing Research with the Public in the Blogosphere." Paper presented at Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights. 2012 March 12. University of Oxford (GBR).

Bar-Ilan, Judit. 2012. "JASIST@mendeley." Paper presented at Altmetrics12 Workshop, ACM Web Science Conference 2012 Workshop. 2012 June 21. Evanston, IL (USA).

Didegah, F. and Mike Thelwall. 2012. "Predictive Indicators of Research Citation Impact in S&T Fields: A Case Study of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology." Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI). 2012 September 5-8. Montreal, Quebec (CAN).

Tatum, Clifford and Paul Wouters. 2012. "Researcher Profiles: present trends and questions about the near future." Paper presented at Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) European Association for the Study of Science & Technology (EASST). 2012 October 17-20. Copenhagen (DNK).

Thelwall, Mike. 2012. "Keynote - Webometrics: The Evolution of a Digital Social Science Research Field." Paper presented at Oii Symposium - Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights. 2012 March 12. University of Oxford (GBR).

Wouters, Paul. 2012. "Keynote - Academic Careers Understood through Measurement and Norms." Paper presented at Academic Career Development Workshop. 2012 July 05. St. Petersburg (RUS).

Shema, Hadas and Judit Bar-Ilan. 2011. "Characteristics of Researchblogging.org Science Blogs and Bloggers." Paper presented at AltMetrics Workshop, ACM Web Sci '11, 3rd International Conference on Web Science. 2011 June 14. Koblenz (GER) .

Tatum, Clifford. 2011. "Beyond Open Access: a Framework for Openness in Scholarly Communication." Paper presented at iCS-OII Symposium, A Decade in Internet Time. 2011 September 23. University of Oxford (GBR) .

Tatum, Clifford and Paul Wouters. 2011. "Bibliometrics and the Culture of Open Access." Paper presented at AltMetrics Workshop, ACM Web Sci '11, 3rd International Conference on Web Science. 2011 June 15. Koblenz (GER).

Thelwall, Mike. 2011. "Keynote - Evaluating Online Evidence of Research Impact." Paper presented at AltMetrics Workshop, ACM Web Sci '11, 3rd International Conference on Web Science. 2011 June 14. Koblenz (GER).

Wouters, Paul, Isidro Aguillo, Judit Bar-Ilan, Frank Havemann, Hildrun Kretschmer, Ülle Must, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Mike Thelwall. 2011. "Academic Careers Understood through Measurement and Norms (ACUMEN)." Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). 2011 November 2. Cleveland, OH (USA).

Wouters, Paul and Clifford Tatum. 2011. "ACUMEN: Academic Careers Understood through Measurement and Norms." GRDI2020 Co-ordination Workshop on Open Access to Scientific Information. 2011 May 04. Brussels (BEL).

Wouters, Paul. 2011. "The Role of Citation Based Research Assessment in the Crisis of Scholarly Publishing." Paper presented at iCS-OII Symposium, A Decade in Internet Time. 2011 September 23. University of Oxford (GBR).