University of Wolverhampton

University of Wolverhampton
Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group
School of Computing and Information Science

Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

The Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group (SCRG) is within the School of Computing and Information Technology in the University of Wolverhampton, UK. The SCRG is a world leader in webometrics, having contributed the majority of English-language published webometrics research. It specialises in developing data collection software, methods to analyse and interpret the results and in applications of webometrics for scientometric purposes and in a variety of other areas. The SCRG has contributed webometrics methods for several projects for the EC DG Research: NetReAct, Rindicate and RESCAR. In addition, the SCRG has researched webometric methods for a number of web 2.0 technologies, including MySpace, YouTube, discussion forums and blogs, publishing research on each of these topics, and is jointly hosting an international workshop on cyberpsychology and social networks in April 2010.

Mike Thelwall
Professor of Information Science
School of Technology
University of Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton, UK

Kayvan Kousha
Research Fellow
School of Technology

University of Wolverhampton

Wolverhampton, UK