Rankings under Groninger fire

by Paul Wouters 26 May 2011

Rafael Wittek, director of the Internuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology, based at the University of Groningen, recently attacked Dutch university policies at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his famous graduate school. O…

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Anxiety about quality may hinder open access

by Paul Wouters 19 May 2011

Anxiety about the quality of open access journals hinders the further spread of open access publications. This conclusion was cited many times during the recent Co-ordinating workshop on Open Access to Scientific Information, in Brussels on May 4 this …

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Teaching in Madrid

by Paul Wouters 10 May 2011

Started my visiting professorship at the Faculty of Library and Information Science, Complutense University in Madrid today with a nice class discussion about research evaluation. Here is the presentation I gave about the role of information science in…

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Open Access in European Science Policy

by Clifford Tatum 6 May 2011

Paul Wouters and Clifford Tatum attended an interesting workshop wednesday, 04 May, on Coordinating Open Access in European science policy. The program included presentations on a number of innovative projects, experiments, and studies from around Europe (see program here) We presented our ACUMEN project there, making the connection with the current Open Access debates. Here [...]

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